A Letter to a Hamster

A Letter to a Hamster

Dear Nova,

You were a good girl. The best hamster I will ever have. You meant a lot to me and I don’t know if I would have made it through my senior year without you. You taught me that it doesn’t matter how big something is to make you happy. It’s crazy how such a small creature could make me so happy and give me the perseverance to finish school.

My senior and junior year of high school were really hard for me. I was just not happy and although I had always done really well in school, it was hard for me to make it through the day. I had major anxiety and felt no motivation to even get out of bed.

Around the time of my birthday I decided to get an animal to hopefully lift my spirits. And that was you. I researched for hours on how to give you the best life possible, and while I admit I wasn’t perfect, my goal was that you were happy. And I hoped I achieved that.

You never tried to run away, you always wanted to be with me, in my hair or cuddling against my chest. You never bit me. You never bit anyone. Nova, you were everything that I needed and I will miss you dearly.

I was fully prepared when I got you that you wouldn’t live long, but what I wasn’t prepared for was the most loving hamster in my care. Losing you hurt more that I though it would, but I’m glad I had you. You made me so happy. You will forever mean so much to me. I love you and I miss you Love Nugget.

Nova was the sweetest hamster to ever live. She loved cheese, loved to be held or sit on my shoulder when I was doing other stuff, and feared heights. She was my most prized possession and I’m so happy to have had her. She was my first animal that I took care of 100% on my own and for that she will always be special to me.

Thank you for reading and I’ll be back on Thursday with something a little less sad. On my Facebook page I will be posting cute pictures and videos of Nova so check it out at Animal Digest Fur Real.

Animal Digest Fur Real
Copyright January 2020
All Rights Reserved

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