Meet My Pacman Frog Buffalo!

Meet My Pacman Frog Buffalo!

First off I want to make a statement saying that I did not name my frog Buffalo. My boyfriend’s favorite animal is a frog so I decided to let him pick the name and that’s what he came up with, so now I call the frog Buffy. 

This is not a picture of Buffalo. I do not want to take him out to struggle to get a decent picture so this one is by Boon Lee from

In October of this year I decided that I really wanted to get another pet, but I wanted one that was cheap and easy to take care of. I didn’t have a lot of money and I was only working part time so I knew that I wasn’t going to be getting a lot in the near future. That limited my choices a ton. 

I looked into getting other frogs, geckos, insects, tarantulas, etc. but I had a fascination with pacman frogs from seeing them in a video on YouTube. I knew they were boring and didn’t do much, but that was exactly what I was looking for. I already knew a lot about the animals and how to take care of them, so now all I needed was to make sure that I was going to be able to give it the best life I could. 

I researched what I would need to get to keep a pacman frog and I made a list of all of the things required. If you are also looking at getting a pacman frog and you want a list of the things you will need I posted the list I created on my blog. Here’s the link:

So I went out and bought everything that I would need and then set up the enclosure and got the frog. 

Taken by me on his first day home

I have his enclosure filled with Eco Earth coconut fiber and I have some moss sprinkled around to retain moisture since pacman frogs need their enclosure to be humid. He is in a ten gallon tank right now with a small hide, a fake plant, and a water dish. Super simple. I mist his cage at least twice a day and I change his dirt and moss about every month. 

Now I have had Buffy for about two months and I think he has grown a tiny bit. He mostly just sits in the dirt and waits for me to give him food, but I think he’s cute. Sometimes I catch him in his water dish taking a bath and sometimes he will be in a new position. 

First time I caught him taking a bath 🙂

In the future I am going to put him in a bigger enclosure with some more fake plants and twigs and a big water bowl and make his enclosure look super cool. I was also just given a mister from my grandma that I will add to make sure that he is always humid. Thanks Grandma!!

Buffy doesn’t do much, so he doesn’t have much of a personality, but there is one thing about him that I think is pretty unique. He is awful at eating. Maybe it’s just because he is young and hasn’t had much experience, but every time I feed him he misses his meal completely or goes for the tongs that I am using to put the food in instead of the cricket. Eating two crickets takes about twelve tries and a few minutes. 

A lot of people will think that Buffy’s pretty boring, but I think that he is so fascinating. Maybe not the most entertaining, but I am loving having him in my life and I can’t wait until I can get him in a new, big, super cool enclosure. 

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading and I will be back on Monday with a new post! If you liked this one please like and subscribe and follow my Facebook page for more cute pictures of my animals and updates on new posts. 

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