A Shopping List for A Pacman Frog

A Shopping List for A Pacman Frog

For anybody that is thinking about getting a pacman frog here is a shopping list of things you will need.

By Eric Endsley on Flickr.com
  • 10 gallon tank- if you are getting a young pacman frog then a 10 gallon tank is the perfect place to start, but as the animal grows older you will need to upgrade the tank to at least a 20 gallon
  • Hydrothermometer- you will need a way to measure the heat and the humidity in the tank 
  • Some type of substrate- I recommend using Eco Earth coconut fibers at least two inches deep so that the frog can bury himself. I also added some moss to mine to keep some water in. 
  • A water dish- you will need something deep enough that the frog can sit in the dish having everything but the head covered. This is a good way for it to get water and my frog loves to bathe. 
  • Repti safe water conditioner- This will make tap water or bottled water safe for them to drink and bathe in 
  • A hide- my pacman frog never uses his hide because he buries himself in the dirt all the time, but it is nice for them to have something to hide in if they want
  • Plants- I choose to use fake plants but you could use live as well. This will help bring in some color to the tank and add some more places for the frog to hide
  • Heat pad- since pacman frogs like to dig to the bottom of the tank I suggest putting a heat pad on one side of the tank to warm up that area without having their bottoms be too hot
  • Crickets- My frog is still very young so I feed him two small to medium crickets every other day
  • Calcium powder- Most amphibians and reptiles need to have lots of calcium in their diet in order for them to grow properly, so sprinkling some calcium powder on the crickets will help them get what they need
  • A spray bottle- pacman frogs need humidity, I spray my frogs enclosure twice a day 
  • Heat light- This is only needed if the heat pad is not making the enclosure warm enough for the frog (75 to 85 degrees fahrenheit) 
By John and Kendra Abbott on Flickr.com

Make sure to do a lot of research before purchasing a pacman frog and think if it’s right for you. Also I will be doing a post introducing my pacman frog very soon so make sure to subscribe to know when it comes out. And like this post if you want more like this. 

That’s it for today! I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving! I’m sorry to go silent for a couple of days but I was spending a lot of time with family. Thanks for reading and please like and subscribe.

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